SGP 2024 Annual Meeting Program | |
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Wednesday, 4 September
14:00–22:00 Registration and room assignments (Swope Center, 1st Floor)
17:30–19:00 Dinner (Swope Center, Hall, 2nd Floor)
19:15–19:25 Opening remarks (Clapp Auditorium, Lillie Building)
Randy Stockbridge, Meeting Co-Organizer
Baron Chanda, President, Society of General Physiologists
19:25–19:30 Introduction of Friends of Physiology Keynote Speaker: Randy Stockbridge, Meeting Co-Organizer
19:30–20:30 Friends of Physiology Keynote Lecture
M. Madan Babu (St. Jude Children's Research Hospital)
Data science approaches to GPCR signaling: Implications for human physiology and drug discovery
21:00–23:00 Mixer and Presentation of Travel Awards (Swope Center, Meigs Room)
Thursday, 5 September
07:30–08:30 Breakfast (Swope Center, Dining Room)
All Sessions (1–3) will be held in the Clapp Auditorium, Lillie Building. Poster Session A will be held in Swope, 2nd Fl.
08:30–10:00 Session 1: It's All About Control: Ion Channel Regulatory Mechanisms
This session is generously supported by Journal of General Physiology as a Silver Sponsor
Discussion Leader: Baron Chanda (Washington University in St. Louis)
Corrie daCosta (University of Ottawa) Ion channel time travel
Short Talk 1: Augustus Lowry (Duke University School of Medicine) An evolutionarily conserved molecular
architecture endows phospholipid permeability to the Transmembrane Channel Scramblase (TCS) superfamily
Short Talk 2: Huaizong Shen (Westlake University) Structural investigations of human M channel
Tim Lynagh (University of Bergen) Divergence among ionotropic glutamate receptors of animals
10:00–10:15 Break
10:15–12:00 Session 2: Tuning Transport
This session is generously supported by Nanion as a Silver Sponsor
Discussion Leader: Olga Boudker (Weill Cornell Medicine)
Krishna Reddy (Weill Cornell Medicine) Evolutionary analysis illuminates ion coupling mechanism in glutamate transporters
Short Talk 3: George Okeyo (Nanion Technologies Inc.) SSME allows the detection of multiple electrogenic events in hGAT-1
and hSLGT-1
Randy Stockbridge (University of Michigan) The emergence of antiseptic transport in bacteria
Huong Kratochvil (Univ. of North Carolina) Dissecting proton transport mechanisms through de novo membrane protein design
12:00–12:20 Poster Previews A (2 minutes each), abstract/poster numbers in parentheses
Ruchika Bajaj (3) Understanding ABC transporters to navigate human diseases
Johnathan Emlaw (9) Functional complexity revealed by a simpler acetylcholine receptor
Vini Nagaraj (17) Rediscovering old friends: Using ancient protein assembly to target a novel KATP channelopathy
Adam Toth (31) Molecular characterization of pathological TRPM2 cation channel variants
Marcos Xenakis (33) Machine-learning-assisted discovery of conserved scaling laws in voltage-gated sodium channels and their
role in human pain pathophysiology
Trevor Yeh (35) Role of conserved amino acids on the transport cycle of a small multidrug resistance exporter
Oliver Zavoti (37) Rare, cystic fibrosis causing mutations of the CFTR chloride channel
12:30–13:30 Lunch
14:00–15:00 Free Time
15:00–17:00 Poster Session A (Swope 2nd Floor)
17:00–18:30 Dinner (Swope Center, Dining Hall)
19:00–19:30 SGP Excelsior Award Lecture
Lisandra Flores-Aldama (University of Wisconsin-Madison), 2024 Excelsior Awardee
19:30–21:00 Session 3: In Silico Insights Into Functional Diversity
Discussion Leader: Janice Robertson (Washington University in St. Louis)
Rachel Kolodny (Haifa University) Molecular evolution in the membrane: An AI perspective
Denise Okafor (Penn State University) Ancient and modern mechanisms compete in progesterone receptor activation
Joanna Slusky (University of Kansas) Evolution and design of outer membrane proteins
21:00–23:00 Evening at the Captain Kidd (77 Water Street, Woods Hole)
Friday, 6 September
07:30–08:30 Breakfast (Swope Center, Dining Hall)
All Sessions (4–6) will be held in the Clapp Auditorium, Lillie Building. The Roundtable and Poster Session B will be held in Swope, 2nd Fl.
08:30–10:00 Session 4: Bacterial Systems
Discussion Leader: Linda Columbus (University of Virginia)
Andrei Lupas (Max Planck Institute) Transmembrane signal transduction along a coiled-coil backbone
Short Talk 4: David Naranjo (Universidad de Valparaíso) A scenario for the origin of life: light dependent volume regulation
required very selective K-channels and tightly closed Na channels at night
Short Talk 5: Samuel Berry (Harvard University) Mapping the determinants of substrate selectivity in a bacterial metal
transporter with model-guided deep mutagenesis
Vatsan Raman (University of Wisconsin) Understanding the molecular rules of multi-drug efflux transporters using
high-throughput approaches
10:00–10:15 Break
10:15–12:00 Session 5: Ion Channels Across the Domains of Life
Discussion Leader: Tim Lynagh (University of Bergen)
Jose Feijo (University of Maryland) Evolution and function of plant glutamate receptors
Short Talk 6: Wendy Valencia (Harvard University) Plant thermogenesis is an ancient driver of plant-pollinator interactions
Timothy Jegla (Penn State University) New insights into animal K+ channel evolution from protozoans
Leon Islas (UNAM) Calcium permeable TRP channels and coral physiology
12:00–12:20 Poster Previews B (2 minutes each), abstract/poster numbers in parentheses
Yonghao Chen (6) TRPV6 involved in terminal ductal pancreatolithiasis formation is associated with alcoholic chronic
James Decker (8) Unstructured STAS-loop is an inhibitory domain for SLC26A9 Cl- channel function
Chia-Yu Kang (11) Structural determination and export mechanism of the eukaryotic fluoride exporter (FEX) proteins
Jenna Lin (12) Characterization of gating polarity in extant species in the CNBD channel family
Veronica Loyo Celis (14) Chloride intracellular channel 4 (CLIC4) regulates cell volume during sperm maturation
Ayush Mishra (16) A large-scale structural analysis of the CLC membrane protein family
Ever O'Donnell (20) Molecular basis of substrate specificity evolution in ABCG2
12:30–13:30 Lunch
14:00–15:00 Roundtable Discussion: Balancing Pragmatism and Creativity in Funding and Publishing (Meigs Room, Swope)
moderated by
Lesley Anson (Biophysics Colab)
Dani Descoteaux (Executive Publisher, Elsevier)
Leon Islas (Board of Reviewing Editors, eLife)
15:00–17:00 Poster Session B (Swope 2nd Floor)
17:00–18:30 Dinner (Swope Center, Dining Hall)
19:30–21:00 Session 6: Tackling Technical Challenges and Emerging Methods
This session is generously supported by Sophion Bioscience as a Silver Sponsor
Discussion Leader: Huong Kratochvil (Univ. of North Carolina)
Willow Coyote-Maestas (UCSF) Unbiased studies of how membrane proteins interact with their chemical environment
Short Talk 7: David Nagy (Sophion Biosciences) Towards more physiological assays: using high throughput automated
patch clamp for compound screening in primary hippocampal neurons
Short Talk 8: Christian Macdonald (UCSF) How (not) to do high-throughput membrane protein biochemistry: lessons learned
Arne Eloffson (Stockholm University) Towards a structurally resolved human protein interaction network
21:00–23:00 Evening at the Captain Kidd (77 Water Street, Woods Hole)
Saturday, 7 September
07:30–08:30 Breakfast (Swope Center, Dining Hall)
08:30–10:00 Session 7: Variations on a Theme: Functional Diversity in Receptors
Discussion Leader: Corrie daCosta (University of Ottawa)
Rachelle Gaudet (Harvard University) Structural basis of ligand specificity and channel activation in an insect gustatory receptor
Short Talk 9: Susana Andrade (University of Freiburg) When ammonium transporters become receptors
Short Talk 10: David Stroebel (CNRS, IBENS) Non-glutamatergic signaling in the ionotropic glutamate receptor (iGluR) family
Josefina del Marmol (Harvard Medical School) Structural insights into the evolution of insect odorant receptors
10:00–10:15 Break
10:15–12:30 Session 8: A Point of No Return: Macromolecular Folding and Complexity
Discussion Leader: Rachelle Gaudet (Harvard University)
Antoniya Aleksandrova (NIH/NINDS) Systematic analysis of symmetry in membrane protein function and evolution
Janice Robertson (Washington University in St. Louis) A molecular model for ion channel and transporter dimerization in
Short Talk 11: Eric Senning (University of Texas Austin): TRPV1-M309 is conserved across species but is also a frequent
missense variant: How do we interpret contrasting genetic data?
Jon Schlebach (Purdue University) Divergent folding- mediated epistasis among unstable membrane protein variants
Linda Columbus (University of Virginia) Don't forget the lipids
12:30–12:35 Group Photo
12:35–13:30 Lunch
13:00–16:30 Free Time
13:00–14:30 1st Boat Trip (Optional) Meet in Swope Lobby at 12:45 pm sharp
14:30–16:00 2nd Boat Trip (Optional) Meet in Swope Lobby at 2:15 pm sharp
16:30–18:00 Session 9: Evolution and Animal Physiology
Discussion Leader: Timothy Jegla (Penn State University)
Harold Zakon (University of Texas Austin): A unique potassium channel in electric fish
Rebecka Sepela (Harvard University) Octopus ‘taste-by-touch’ sensation is mediated by environmental microbiomes
Jens Franck (University of Winnipeg) Molecular evolution of excitation-contraction coupling in fish fast
and slow twitch skeletal muscles
18:00-20:00 Lobster Banquet and Poster Awards Presentation (Swope Terrace)
20:00-22:00 Closing Mixer (Swope Terrace)